Ahh, Jeffrey's sixth birthday---A really cool new park was just opened in Berthoud, and when I visited it a couple months ago, I was inspired for a "Space" party. There was a really neat Rocket Ship on springs with controls that the kids really loved as well as a skate/field hockey arena that would be perfect for racing the plasma cars that Mom got Jeffrey for his birthday. I planned to call the plasma cars "Moon Buggies" and the kids would plant an American Flag in the earth when they finished the race. I also planned an "Astronaut Training" obstacle course as well as a UFO-making craft.
Well, the morning of Jeffrey's birthday dawned gray and cloudy, but weather.com assured me it wouldn't rain until well into the night...and...the rain held off until thirty minutes before the party was supposed to start and then the thunder and lightning started and the rain drops started falling, and there wasn't a patch of blue sky in sight.
We don't get a whole lot of rain here in Colorado, so when we do, we're not prepared for it. I considered several options: postponing the party until next week (but what about all the watermelon and cupcakes that I had prepared)? Postponing it just until the next day...but what about the kids that had already RSVPed that wouldn't be able to make it?
For a few minutes I was freaking out, and I thought, maybe this is the moment that I will not be able to pull myself together, and I will just sit here on these steps, and I will not deal with it and I will make no arrangements, and who knows what will happen?
But then, with all my strength of will, I pulled myself together, I made a decision. I called a Relief Society counselor, borrowed the church keys, then called the party attendees (fortunately there were only 6 families)
and there-in was born the quasi-lame Church Gym version of my perfectly-planned Space Party.
((Oh, and as part of my "Week of Costly Mistakes", I lost/had stolen my camera, so these photos are all thanks to Bonnie.))
I had some cool rocket shaped helium balloons for a centerpiece, but of course both places in town that normally have helium had "run out." |
Moon Shoes, part of the astronaut obstacle course--to teach you how to walk on the moon, of course. I admit these were nostalgic for me and thus an indulgence for myself, since I remembered my friend Leah having these as a child. I found the vintage shoes on Ebay. |
"UFO" Craft |
I went all out and bought WAY too many supplies. I just couldn't imagine what would be worse than running out of puff balls or googly eyes. |
A Finished product...complete with Space Alien. |
Moon Buggy Racing: the plasma cars worked GREAT on the smooth wood floors and were a big hit. Thanks Memaw! |
SuperNova Stomp--a highlight of the party. |
Although I had provided Jeffrey with a special space-themed birthday outfit, he insisted on wearing this Iron Man costume which he had received from John and me for his birthday. |
Arabelle was not happy during the entirety of the party. I had done all I could to get her to take a nap that afternoon, but to no avail. So, there was screaming. There was crying. |
The kids are wearing their "Astronaut Certification" Cards. When they completed the activities they got a check. When they got all the checks they got their party favors. I didn't get a picture of these, but I definitely went all out. Oriental Trading is just so cheap (although turns out it does add up). Since half the party guests didn't make it, I was able to give favor bags out to the siblings attending, which I'm sure was appreciated. |
Party Blowers: Jeffrey's first request for the party. |
And what says "Space" party more than a fake mustache? These were Jeffrey's second request for the party. |
The mustaches were a hit! |
This was the moment that Jeffrey had been dreaming about for months, and the moment that I wanted to provide for him. He had attended so many parties where he was part of the large group of kids standing around watching the "lucky" kid get to open all the presents. I knew he really wanted that feeling, and I think he got it, so I will call the party a success! |