Rowan had a very nice baby blessing. We are fortunate to have Bonnie who has sewn special blessing outfits for all of our babies. Rowan looked very sophisticated in his mini tux. |
During the middle of the night before Rowan's blessing, I came down with a nasty stomach bug. All of John's family and Phillip and Danielle were already coming down, and we had made plans for an elaborate brunch, so I knew the show must go on. I made it through the blessing and was able to appreciate it, but then I hid in my room, quite ill, during elaborate brunch.
Jeffrey was excited about the blessing, he called it, "the baby day". He is also excited for his upcoming baptism. The missionaries came over for supper a few weeks ago, and we had them give him a baptism lesson. They told him he should be reading the scriptures to prepare for his baptism, and ever since he has been very dedicated in trying to read his scriptures every night. It is very sweet.
Arabelle is also a sweet and involved big sister. After Rowan arrived, Arabelle was suddenly no longer interested in Elsie, and now always asks to hold the baby and hug the baby.
Charlotte loves baby Rowan and especially enjoys seeing and commenting on "she's eyes". As in, "I see she's eyes!" and ""She's eyes are open". Also, "She's a good baby boy!"
I got these matching outfits for Arabelle and Charlotte. Charlotte hasn't worn hers yet, but hopefully she can be compelled.
Arabelle's "show and tell". Arabelle's preschool has show and tell every Wednesday, and Arabelle loves it. As Mom pointed out, it is probably a really boring show and tell, because the kids never seem to be convinced to bring anything interesting. It's usually like a hot wheels car or a ratty stuffed animal. Although maybe that is interesting to 4-year-olds. Who knows. |
I know these are a lot of photos of Rowan, but I like to give y'all a feel for his various expressions:
Also, he is smiling quite a bit now, and I just can't get over how cute it is, especially when I can tell his tummy is still hurting, and he is trying to smile through the pain.
A few good recent kids' quotes:
Charlotte just has the cutest little voice and pronunciation right now, so pretty much anything she says is cute. Lately she has been singing, "Follow the Wofet", which is very adorable (I am going to have to take video of it).
Also, when she picks up something big or opens something she comes up to me, looks me in the eyes and asks excitedly, "You think I'm shtwong?"
Arabelle as I have said is 5 going on 15. The other day she had on a cute shirt that she refused to wear earlier. I told her, "I'm glad you are wearing that shirt, it's cute. You used to not like it, how come you decided to wear it?" Arabelle replied in a rather dejected voice, "I still don't like it, but I
accept it."
The kids have been loving a website called ABCmouse.com that has lots of educational games, etc. There is one activity where kids can color a picture and enter it in an online gallery. Arabelle was scrolling through the online gallery before she created her picture and she said, "I'm just looking at these to see if there are any good ideas. I'm looking for something that impresses me." She saw one (most likely done by a toddler) that was just scribbles, and she said in a haughty voice, "
That does NOT impress me."