Suspiciously reminiscent of one of those Mexican "Day of the Dead" Skeletons...
Before church the day before Halloween:
Arabelle's tights have tiny jack-o-lanterns on them. |
Unfortunately there is something on Arabelle's face below her nose, and she is holding a large plastic car, but there always has to be something to keep a family pic from looking quite perfect! |
Jeffrey stepped in front of Arabelle and said "Jeffrey say cheese, not Arabelle say cheese!" |
Ward Trunk or Treat:
Immediately prior to Trick or Treating:
Arabelle insisted on bringing two buckets with her. It turned out to be quite a smart tactic as she wound up getting about twice as much candy as Jeffrey. I thought this was a strange phenomenon, but I did overhear one person saying, "Oh, looks like you're trick-or-treating for two, eh," and then put a piece of candy in each of her buckets.
Both kids really enjoyed this Halloween, and especially the trick-or-treating Halloween night. It was interesting to see how each of them reacted to it differently. Jeffrey was just super super excited, running around and yelling trick-or-treat. Of course, it sounded like, "Crick or creak," but this time last year, he couldn't say it at all, so this is vast improvement!
Arabelle on the other hand, was just very serious about the task at hand. She refused to ride in the stroller even though we walked quite a ways and it was late, and and insisted on carrying both buckets herself the whole time. She just kept on walking and muttering to herself over and over again, "Candy, candy, candy." |
I love the bow in Arabelle's hair. I agree that it is funny how their different reactions to things are fun to watch. I am really enjoying picturing Arabelle murmuring "candy, candy, candy" while holding her two buckets and I can just hear Jeffrey's cute little voice!