We don't do much on a daily basis, and that is mostly intentional on my part, because doing any tiny thing is just so tremendously hard and usually has various unpleasant repercussions. I wish I were the kind of mom that was constantly taking my kids to the zoo or the farm or the fair or whatever, but evidently I'm not. Unfortunately I'm not even the kind of mom that is always doing crafts with my kids or fostering educational at-home activities.
But here are some pictures/happenings from our daily life:
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was putting together ebay packages, and Arabelle wanted to make her
own. She separated out all of her Minnie pullups and put those in there
and then asked me to help her tape it up. |
She even found her own label to stick on there! |
(it's a cleaning cloth for glasses, but it does look surprisingly similar to a mailing label!) | |
Arabelle is at such a funny age. While she is certainly enjoying the tantrums of the terrible two's, she is also just sooo funny sometimes! She has been spending a LOT of time playing with her toy kitchen and food. She especially likes making place settings and putting together trays of food. It is fun because she will use anything to make a place setting. For example, the other day she set out four blocks of wood, then put a CD on each of those, then put a piece of play food on each CD. She will also sing little songs she makes up while she is playing with her kitchen. The words are like, "I'm making supper! I'm making a special supper!"
She's also very spunky and sassy. The other day when we were dropping Jeffrey off at school, she said, "Jeffrey, you're going to school. I'm going to the pool!"
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Little Fur Child? |
Jeffrey's "Soccer Team". If he doesn't look way smaller than all the other kids, it's because I signed him up for the 3-4 year old age group (he's 5). Even so, he was relegated to the front row with the "short kids." I wanted him to do the younger age group because I think it is funner for his skill level right now. They don't try to learn the game of soccer, just the skills of soccer, so they all get to participate all the time, and we don't have to worry about the competitive aspect at this point. |
this is the only outfit that arabelle is willing to wear to church. that's her bear in the bag. |
would you buy ice cream from this baby? |
You always provide plenty of fun/creative/educational opportunities, surroundings, and toys for your children and they take advantage of them fully. Arabelle is indeed a funny little thing, Jeffrey has always been the perfect little fur child, and I would buy gallons of ice cream from such a darling baby!--Mom