I'm going to figure out how to do a running sidebar of funny kids' quotes, but until then:
Arabelle: "Yehaw! I'm a fireman-boy!"
John found a heavy, cast iron drawer-pull under our house as he was remodeling the bathroom. Arabelle picked it up and said, in a practical manner, "You could kill someone with this."
A lot of glare from the windows, but you can see some of our fun birds. We put them up for Halloween, but I've decided they're appropriate for the entire winter. |
Charlotte has been doing this funny tongue-twisting thing where she twists her tongue completely sideways. Not an ability she inherited from me. |
Cheeky Arabelle showcasing a tiny purse. As she fast approaches her third birthday, I am still waiting for her hair to finish coming in. |
Another bad picture, but you can kind of see Charlotte's wide, flat smile. I've yet to be entirely successful in capturing it, but it's so cute! |
And now on to Thanksgiving....
For whatever reason, Arabelle let me dress her up for Thanksgiving. I gave her a choice of two outfits, and she picked this one. John claims it made her look fat. |
Never got a very good picture of all 3, but that's pretty much the status quo. |
Jeffrey was very excited about eating turkey for Thanksgiving. We had a light lunch a few hours before leaving for Thanksgiving dinner, and he was quite upset that we were eating something other than turkey, it being Thanksgiving Day and all. When we got to Diane's for dinner, Jeffrey was intent on having the turkey leg. Ordinarily Jeffrey is only willing to eat really "kid" types of meat like corndogs and hotdogs. This is the first time he's ever attempted eating meat off the bone. I know Jeffrey was mostly interested in the "cool factor" of the drumstick, but he did actually swallow a couple bites, which surprised me. |
Gross. |
He knew he wanted it, but he wasn't exactly sure how to go about eating it. |
Such funny, darling kids. Charlotte really IS an elf! And Arabelle really IS Minnie Mouse. Jeffrey used to be an elf, but he's getting bigger. Now I'd say he's more of a faun...