Sunday, June 17, 2012

Happy Father's Day, John!

Jeffrey's picture of him and Daddy holding hands.  Daddy has a "big, giant head" to quote Jeffrey.

(would not hold still of course)

and don't forget Baby Charlotte!!!

Monday, June 11, 2012

Uncle Phil and Aunt Stel

Phil and Stel came down so Phil could sign a lease on his new apartment.  Mostly we just hung around the house and Arabelle and Jeffrey LOVED rough-housing and playing outside with them.  Saturday was a really nice day for me--we had a family lunch, played with the kids, Charlotte and I took a nap in the afternoon, and then Phil and Stel watched the kids so John and I could go on a date to the Cafe Rio that just opened up in Fort Collins.  On Sunday afternoon we all went to the duck pond, where there were no ducks but there was a muskrat eating a piece of bread that had been left for the non-existent ducks.  Then we had a spaghetti dinner and the chocolate cheesecake that Stella had made.  Stella is so useful for making extravagant desserts!
Aunt Stella was Arabelle's preferred person this trip.  Mostly Arabelle liked to make Stella carry her for a long long time.  I guess Arabelle realized that no one but a devoted relative that isn't around much would do such a thing, so she took advantage of it.  It was hard work for Stel since Arabelle has turned into quite the chubby toddler.

Phil said he hopes his babies are as cute as Charlotte, and I took this as the ultimate compliment, but assured him that his would be even cuter, of course :)
Jeffrey was so sad to see his aunt and uncle go. When he realized that both of them were about to leave, he made a point to go up to each of them and tell them politely, "But I don't want you to go, I want you to stay here."  It was so sweet since everything that comes out of Jeffrey's mouth is 100% sincere.  He will LOVE having his Uncle Phil living near by.  I am so excited for the close relationship they will be able to have!  It's almost hard to believe we have lucked into such an opportunity, since Phil could have wound up anywhere in the United States (or Canada probably).
Arabelle and John were exhausted from the activities. 

Charlotte @ 3 months

Exactly three months:

3 months 1 week:

3.5 months