Thursday, August 20, 2015

Late Summer

Arabelle playing chess with her cousin Kaitlin.

a cool and random creation of Arabelle's

Jeffrey is such a good big brother.  He overheard the state deaf representative suggesting getting an "app" with animal sounds for Rowan to listen to, so Jeffrey took it upon himself to download some apps all by himself and play them for Rowan. 

I procured Phillip's old I-phone, and while we haven't gotten cell phone service yet, Jeffrey has gotten tons of use out of its gaming capabilities. 

Charlotte is constantly "getting hurt" and goes through a lot of band-aids, which she likes to apply herself.

And, some junk genius:

Ode to Elsie

Jeffrey's Baptism

Jeffrey is holding his first set of scriptures--an 8th birthday gift from his Memaw and Papa.

Jeffrey was baptized by his Dad.

Jeffrey and his cousin Lincoln.

Jeffrey was extremely lucky to have so many family members at his baptism.  It was a huge turn out!

Jeffrey's Papa lives in Mississippi but was in Colorado for a few days, so it was awesome that we were able to have the baptism while he was here.

It pains me to post a photo of myself looking so fat and with my hair not even done, but the record must be kept.

Another gross photo of me. 

Jeffrey's baptism included:  a talk on baptism by Jeffrey's Grandpa Mark, a talk on the Holy Ghost by Jeffrey's Papa Ted, a prayer by his Grandma Bonnie and one by his Uncle Phil, and singing his two favorite songs: "Book of Mormon Stories" and "I am a Child of God"

I was a bit stressed about Jeffrey's baptism because I was planning it for a few days after our return from our 3 weeks in Mississippi and it seemed almost impossible that everything would come together--and yet somehow it did.  It was very simple but very beautiful.  There was not a huge turn out, but lots of family was there and the day was about Jeffrey and it was perfect!