Wednesday, February 27, 2013

Valentine's Day!

John had this spread waiting for us in the morning.  (The Trunchbull cake is for me)

 I had the kids all dressed in their Valentine's attire (I picked out Jeffrey and Charlotte's, Arabelle's was the best I could manage) and all I wanted was a nice, normal, family picture.  The following is what I got instead:

Yes, Charlotte has a marker, and yes she is rubbing it on her neck, but don't judge until you have a strong-willed baby of your own!

Charlotte crawling...she's not doing that anymore...kind of sad

Arabelle was really excited about her heart-shaped box of chocolates.
Unfortunately, the taste didn't measure up to expectations--you can see several chewed and spit out chocolates here.

Arabelle and I decorated the family room with hearts.  This was Arabelle's contribution.

When Jeffrey got home from school, he and Arabelle found all the hearts.

These were Jeffrey's valentines.  There were also ones that said "I'm nuts and bolts for you" and "Download My Heart".  These came in kits that you put together.  You got the basic robot then had to peel and stick both feet, both hands, both elbows, both eyes, the stomach, and the antenna.  Jeffrey had 24 that he needed to do and he was soooo excited in the weeks leading up to Valentine's Day to make them.  When it was finally time to make them he made one and then said he was "too tired" to make anymore.  So I was up late making 23 Robot Valentines.  Note to self, next year, let him make a couple each night in the weeks leading up to Valentine's Day.
From a Friend's Facebook page--clearly Jeffrey's Valentine's were a hit!

some of the loot from his school party.

Saturday, February 23, 2013

Outdated Christmas!

So this is a few months old, but I thought it was time for a new blog post, and I haven't taken many pictures recently.

Jeffrey's Kindergarten Christmas Party
For some unexplained reason, Jeffrey decided to put his Snowman's face on the middle ball.  You can see the girl next to him has made hers more accurately.

Somehow they look alike.

There was TONS of food.  Jeffrey's "Room Mom" is a person that is really into party-planning and treat-making and she tends to go wayyy overboard.  But very fun for the kids.

Eclaires, Christmas tree brownies, "hot-cocoa" cookies, cake pops, and little bears on candy cane sleds (unpictured)

these were a big hit

so proud!

Decorating a Gingerbread House on Christmas Eve:

Arabelle decided she preferred decorating the table.

wearing Gingerbread Boy jammies and eating a Gingerbread Boy Cookie

Friday, February 1, 2013

Arabelle's Minnie Mouse Party

 Delivering the invitations:

 At the Party:

The kids received shopping bags that they decorated and then went "bow shopping".  I didn't get a picture, but I cut tons of bows out of cute paper and had them stuck all over the walls. 

It took Arabelle a really long time to blow out her one candle. As you can see, her technique leaves something to be desired.

 Opening presents:
Love the expression on Arabelle!

Again, love the expression.

The birthday girl was the only one we couldn't coax into the bow to take a picture.

her favorite gift.