Wednesday, December 19, 2012

Tree Trimming Party

 One of our guests, Karly brought a camera and was kind enough to take lots of photos for us.  Jeffrey really got into it and loved the attention of having the camera on him.  He came up with several poses:


Such a cute little guy!

As anyone might have guessed, Arabelle loved ladling the punch.

Arabelle also enjoyed distributing ornaments to guests for them to hang on the tree.

Arabelle grabbed the bowl of M&Ms and after a couple of minutes I went to take it back.  I said she could have one more before I took it, so she grabbed a giant handful and stuffed it in her mouth as I pulled the bowl away from her.  She definitely takes after her mother in her taste in food.

Fun Uncle James!

Such a "knowing" look on James.  What could he be thinking?  Of course, the look could also be "smug," in which case the expression is obviously due to the svelte dog that fits so snugly in front of his laptop.

Jeffrey LOVED playing games on his uncle's smart phone.  Is that what they're calling those things these days?

Thanks for the punch bowl, Emily.  You'd be surprised how many opportunities one can find to use it.  I also have enjoyed using the crystal that I got from the Southerners for my wedding.  It was funny the difference between the gifts I got in Mississippi and those I got in Utah.   The ones I got in Mississippi were so fancy and the ones in Utah were equally nice to have but very practical--like several bottles of cleaner in a new kitchen trash can.

John put up the tree around 2 o'clock.  Jeffrey then had to wait to start decorating the tree until 6 o'clock when the party started.  I don't know if I've ever seen him so excited/in pain.  He could hardly bear to wait and asked about every 5-10 minutes if he could start decorating the tree.  It was cute, but I really felt like I was torturing him!

You can see Arabelle directing Jeffrey where to put the ornament.

1 comment:

  1. It is so fun to see the big kids with the little kids. They all look so cute and I love Jeffrey's enthusiasm. :)
