Friday, June 12, 2015

End of Schoolyear

I found this puppet theater at the thrift store, and it was so nostalgic that I had to buy it.

at least it is educational...

Arabelle's end of schoolyear gift she made for Valin

Rowan at 3 months.

One of Charlotte's "guys"

Arabelle's Pre-school Graduation

They grow up too fast...
(Arabelle saw me posting this pic and she said, "Isn't it pretty how I was sitting?")

Little Peanut

Jeffrey's "End of School" gift for his teacher, Mrs. Carmichael.  She is from Louisiana, so I thought she would appreciate teh beignet mix.  Jeffrey drew some good Skylander's guys on the card.

1 comment:

  1. Ah, the puppet shows y'all presented...Jeffrey's card is wonderful, and so are Charlotte's "guys." Arabelle is quite the model and Rowan is quite the peanut. And puppy, as I believe he resembles in the striped outfit. You were awfully clever to get the Cafe duMonde beignet mix for a Louisiana teacher!
