Friday, May 17, 2013

More Spring and Funny Kids

Uncle Phillip

"Wanna fight?"
My view most of the time. What color would you say her eyes are?

Arabelle dancing.

Arabelle's "curly hair" that she likes to wear sometimes.


Late April snow storm.  We also had one beginning of May!

Cheerio on the Nose

Arabelle's "curly hair" and her "spider sweater".  Not sure why she calls it that.


Arabelle feeding Charlotte.

This is what she was trying to feed her.  Notice all the dirt on Charlotte's face.


  1. So that's how Arabelle looks with lots of curly hair. And how Charlotte looks with a cheerio nose! I can see why Arabelle calls it her "spider" sweater--something about the zigzags are like spider legs. Isn't it nice that Charlotte will wear whatever you put on her? I can't believe you got that much snow so recently. And are Charlotte's eyes gray? Brown? Green? I can't tell.

  2. Oh my goodness! Jeffrey and Arabelle do like twins in that picture! And that curly wig is hilarious. Charlotte is such a good sport.
